Press & news

June 12th 2024 - Press Release

EMERAM invests in German D2C dog and cat food provider Provital GmbH

Munich (DE), 11 June 2024 - Funds advised by EMERAM have invested in Provital GmbH (Provital), a German D2C provider of high-quality dog and cat food. EMERAM is one of the leading growth investors for medium-sized companies in the German-speaking region.

Provital was acquired by Dr Thomas Brandner in 2006 and is based in Taufkirchen near Munich. The company offers premium dog and cat food through a nationwide direct-to-consumer (D2C) network, which will benefit from the growing demand for quality products. With its own brand Anifit, Provital has grown faster than the market in recent years and has significantly increased its market share in Germany and Austria. The products are sold by more than 2,000 specialist advisers who provide professional advice and maintain close relationships with their customers.

Dr Thomas Brandner, Managing Director of Provital, welcomes the collaboration: "Over the past 23 years, Anifit has already convinced many dog and cat owners of the concept of species-appropriate and healthy pet food. We are delighted that EMERAM will give us even more opportunities and support to get in direct contact with as many pet owners as possible and to present our foods, snacks, and supplements. Animal welfare is very important to both us and EMERAM and we look forward to the future and our joint activities with EMERAM.”

Dr Sven Oleownik, Partner at EMERAM, explains: "The pet food market has great growth potential as more and more pet owners value high quality food and are prepared to pay a higher price for it. Premium products in particular offer a wide range of growth opportunities. Dr Thomas Brandner has built an impressive business in recent years with his focus on premium products. As a business development partner, we want to further expand his successful business model in the coming years. We see great opportunities in the expansion of the product portfolio, the development of new markets and digitalization.”

EMERAM was advised by maconda (commercial), Base Camp (ESG), Houlihan Lokey, Goodwin Procter (both financing), Deloitte (finance, tax, IT) and Reed Smith (legal).